--- layout: post title: "Crappy's Blog but moved from Cloudflare" date: 2021-12-25 12:00:00 +0000 categories: Blog --- Hello, this is Crappy’s Blog as usual . I wrote this blog to says that i moved from Cloudflare to another DNS Provider now ## Why? Mainly, useless for my position and part of my **de-cloudflare** project ## New Provider 1984.is FreeDNS, My only Criteria is support DNSSEC, Unfortunately my Registrar doesn't support Yet and I've problem addding multiple MX Records on the same domain in desec so, i moved to 1984 FreeDNS . This Decision might be forever or until i find another great provider ## Moving of Landing Page Builder Actualy, i moved from Cloudflare Pages to surge But, they doesn't Yet support IPV6 and their cert Provision seem a bit confusing so, i moved to Netlify instead ## Footer I don't know if this only me or someone else too. But since i change my DNS Provider, My DNS Response for +Wildcard+.1w1.one a lot worse than before. Don't known what cause this But, I'm looking into this