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Raw Normal View History

layout: page
permalink: /archive/
title: Posts Archive
<div id="archives">
<section id="archive">
<h3>Most Recent Posts</h3>
{%for post in site.posts %}
{% unless post.next %}
<ul class="this">
{% else %}
{% capture month %}{{ post.date | date: '%B %Y' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture nmonth %}{{ post.next.date | date: '%B %Y' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture year %}{{ post.date | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture nyear %}{{ post.next.date | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %}
{% if year != nyear %}
<h2 style="text-align:left;">{{ post.date | date: '%Y' }}</h2>
<ul class="past">
{% endif %}
{% if month != nmonth %}
<h3 style="text-align:left;">{{ post.date | date: '%B %Y' }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
<p><b><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ post.url }}">{% if post.title and post.title != "" %}{{post.title}}{% else %}{{post.excerpt |strip_html}}{%endif%}</a></b> - {% if post.date and post.date != "" %}{{ post.date | date: "%e %B %Y" }}{%endif%}</p>
{% endfor %}
<h3>Oldest Posts</h3>