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post Crappy's Blog but moved from Cloudflare 2021-12-25 12:00:00 +0000 Blog

Hello, this is Crappys Blog as usual . I wrote this blog to says that i moved from Cloudflare to another DNS Provider now


Mainly, useless for my position and part of my de-cloudflare project

New Provider FreeDNS, My only Criteria is support DNSSEC, Unfortunately my Registrar doesn't support Yet and I've problem addding multiple MX Records on the same domain in desec so, i moved to 1984 FreeDNS . This Decision might be forever or until i find another great provider

Moving of Landing Page Builder

Actualy, i moved from Cloudflare Pages to surge But, they doesn't Yet support IPV6 and their cert Provision seem a bit confusing so, i moved to Netlify instead

I don't know if this only me or someone else too. But since i change my DNS Provider, My DNS Response for a lot worse than before. Don't known what cause this But, I'm looking into this